HCT - Holy Cross Trust
HCT stands for Holy Cross Trust
Here you will find, what does HCT stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Holy Cross Trust? Holy Cross Trust can be abbreviated as HCT What does HCT stand for? HCT stands for Holy Cross Trust. What does Holy Cross Trust mean?Holy Cross Trust is an expansion of HCT
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Alternative definitions of HCT
- High-speed CMOS TTL
- Higher Colleges Of Technology
- High-speed CMOS TTL
- Hematocrit
- Hematocrit
- Higher College of Technology
- Hardware Compatibility Test
- High Capacity Transit
View 58 other definitions of HCT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HFST Holy Family Sisters, Thrissur
- HGM Holy Gospel Mission
- HMC Home for Mother and Child
- HBN Honey Bee Network
- HDO Hope Development Organization
- HO Hope for life Organization
- HHO Hope for the Harvest Organization
- HI Hope India
- HOPELP HOPE Loralai , Pakistan
- HP Hope Project
- HW Hopw Worldwide
- HO Hosla Organization
- HWO Hospitality 4 World Organization
- HHF House of Hope Foundation
- HUDCO Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd.
- HCCS Howrah Child Care Society